The Symbol of the Church Of God In Christ is an outgrowth of the
Presiding Bishop’s Coat of Arms which has become quite familiar
to the Church. The design of the Official Seal of the Church was
created in 1973 and adopted in the General Assembly in 1981 (April
The obvious GARNERED WHEAT in the center of the seal represents
all of the people of the Church Of God In Christ, Inc. The ROPE
of wheat which holds the shaft together represents the Founding
Father of the Church, Bishop Charles Harrison Mason, who, at the
call of the Lord, banded us together as a Brotherhood of Churches
in the First Pentecostal General Assembly of the Church, in 1907.
The date in the seal has a two-fold purpose; Firstly, to tell
us that Bishop Mason received the baptism of the Holy Ghost in
March 1907; and, Secondly, to tell us that it was because of this
outpouring that Bishop Mason was compelled to call us together
in November of 1907, to organize the Church Of God In Christ.
The RAIN in the background represents the Latter Rain or the End-time
Revivals which brought about the emergence of our Church along
with other Pentecostal Holiness Bodies in the same era. The rain
also serves as a challenge to the Church to keep Christ in the
center of our worship and service, so that He may continue to
use the Church Of God In Christ as one of the vehicles of Pentecostal
Revival before the return of the Lord.